Daniel van Andel - Allan Gray

Daniel van Andel

Daniel joined Allan Gray in 2009 and is currently the head of IFA Proposition. He was previously a manager in the Product Development team. Daniel holds a Bachelor of Commerce in Economics from Stellenbosch University, an Honours in Economics from the University of South Africa and a Master of Business Administration from Warwick Business School. He has passed all three levels of the CFA® charterholder examinations.

Articles by Daniel van Andel

Insights categories - Markets and economy

The consequences of South Africa’s greylisting

By Sandy McGregor and Daniel van Andel on 27 Feb 2023

Reading time: 4 mins

As anticipated, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has added South Africa to the list of jurisdictions under increased monitoring, the greylist, with...

Insights categories - Retirement

Key questions to help you prepare for your retirement

By Daniel van Andel on 26 Mar 2021

Viewing time: 41 mins

Although we all have different circumstances, our objectives in retirement are often similar. We want the income we receive to be sustainable for life and to...

Insights categories - Local investing

Does the size of your unit trust matter?

By Daniel van Andel on 31 Mar 2014

Reading time: 9 mins

Back in September 1998, there were 186 unit trusts available in South Africa. Fast-forward 16 years, and there are now 1 477 registered unit trusts in a...


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